


The 康复中心 和 健康中心 at BBGH supports a full staff of therapists that covers all three disciplines; 物理治疗,职业治疗, 言语/语言病理学.

儿科治疗, 骨盆健康, 水疗法, 产前和产后治疗也是IM电竞App官网的员工经验丰富的专业. Each therapist uses specific techniques 和 treatments aimed at progressing you toward your goals for recovery. 作为一个多学科团队, IM电竞App官网采取以患者为中心的方法,根据每位患者的个人需求量身定制.

物理治疗师 专攻限制病人活动能力的肌肉骨骼损伤, 走, 或者完成有意义的任务. 他们治疗各种各样的伤害和损伤,从中风, 手术后恢复, 还是回到运动中.

职业治疗师 更多地关注病人的日常生活活动. They are able to provide education 和 adaptive equipment to patients so that they can return to completing work, 首页, 或者娱乐活动.

语言病理学家 擅长评估和治疗与病人说话能力相关的问题, 吞下, 理解信息, 和解决问题. 他们还提供教育和有用的方法来处理记忆或注意力问题.

IM电竞App官网的工作人员也为您的日程安排提供方便. Schedule back-to-back appointments so you can go from Dialysis or another appointment straight to therapy in the span of a few hours! Our staff can also recommend you to a lifestyle medicine specialist or a nutritional specialist to give you an all-around approach to your wellbeing. 

除了, our 健康中心 for physical exercise is staffed by professionals ready to assist you in the use the Center's full range of exercise equipment to help you meet your health goals. 

住院病人 & 门诊服务

康复和健康中心提供住院和门诊护理,包括物理治疗, 职业治疗和语言病理学服务. 住院病人 care might be received if your doctor feels it is necessary upon admission 和/or you have had a 功能衰退 during your hospital stay. 治疗服务可能包括强化, 步态训练, 增强功能独立性, 日常生活活动的训练, 接受定制的家庭锻炼计划, 和吞咽, 演讲, 或者认知训练. 这将在您住院期间继续进行,以提高您回家的能力, 或者提高你出院后安全完成日常工作的能力.

门诊 如果你的医生认为有必要,你可能会接受服务, 在你出院之后. 最近住院后,您可能需要门诊服务, 手术, 增加痛苦, 功能衰退, 运动损伤, 等. 治疗服务包括加强, 体位训练, 步态训练, 增强功能独立性, 日常生活活动的训练, 定制家庭锻炼计划, 吞咽, 演讲, 认知训练. Each therapy discipline will evaluate your needs 和 coordinate their efforts to meet your specific goals.

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